I haven't been feeling much in the Christmas spirit this year.
Been too busy I suppose.
Or just too wrapped up in my own self.
But today, I decided I wanted to decorate the house.
Now, I live with four boys. Four nerd boys.
OCD and man-periods abound. (seriously, and I thought girl scout camp was bad?)
So I didn't get a tree.
One didn't want the mess.
One vetoed because of possible insects in the tree.
Yeah... sometimes they are more female than I am.
Instead I decided to get creative. This is my Christmas.
Yup. I strung lights and ribbon and bulbs on the bulletin board. :)
Very festive I think.
Been too busy I suppose.
Or just too wrapped up in my own self.
But today, I decided I wanted to decorate the house.
Now, I live with four boys. Four nerd boys.
OCD and man-periods abound. (seriously, and I thought girl scout camp was bad?)
So I didn't get a tree.
One didn't want the mess.
One vetoed because of possible insects in the tree.
Yeah... sometimes they are more female than I am.
Instead I decided to get creative. This is my Christmas.
Yup. I strung lights and ribbon and bulbs on the bulletin board. :)
Very festive I think.