So hopefully I can write honestly here. My mind is always thinking, pondering, wondering of the facts of my world. I know when I talk I sound disjointed. My thoughts never connect just right in my mouth.
And it always.
Sounds better in my head.
But somehow, on paper. It works better. Like my fingers understand better than my mouth does.
At least that's what I keep telling myself so I feel a little less like a dumbass when, once again,, someone laughs at something I say because it came out all wrong.
I like to think I write well. Though sporatically. And when I feel comfortable enough to write honestly that's when it comes out beautifully.
I don't just want to write about my days. I do that enough on my other blog. And there is nothing of value from just a catalog of my doings. My life just isn't that exciting. It just isn't. So I have to go a bit deeper. Dig a little further. Make my words count.
I've always wanted to be the kind of person that doesn't waste words. That when I talk, it means something and people listen. Though sadly, I don't believe that to be the case. I waste words all the time.
I'm easy to ignore.
I've missed the point somehow. My words just blend into that buzz, that white noise of everything no one cares about and is ignored.
What comes out of my mouth isn't deep.
Isn't meaningful.
Isn't even helpful most of the time.
And maybe what my fingers type isn't any better, but I like it.
And isn't that what art is anyway?
I'm not saying I'm exceptional. I'm sure I'm not the only one who feels just like this.
I guess what I'm trying to get out is
Don't ignore me. Give me a chance.
I want to make a difference.
I want to change the world.
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