Wednesday, April 1, 2009

It's something.

It's been nearly a month since I've seen the boy.
I miss him.
and missing him is making me grumpy and unsociable.
Nothing... No one makes me me like him.
I've been sleeping a lot more than usual. I've been crashing before dinner, missing dinner entirely. Sometimes I'm asleep by 5:30. And I keep sleeping. I can't think this is a good thing.
I should probably talk to someone about this but who?

I started drawing again today. I haven't even picked up a pencil to doodle in a months. It used to be something I enjoyed... not sure what happened there. But I'm happy I picked it up again tonight, even for a short time.

I'm babbling, guys. Forgive me.
But at least I'm writing something.
It's not viable, but it's something.

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