Friday, May 8, 2009

Go for broke: Ramen

With my involuntary career change I'm going to have to make some cut backs. Things really haven't changed much from college. I'm still broke. Only this time, I have bills. Truck payment, school loans, etc.

And while there are something I don't plan to ever scrimp on, like toilet paper or ice cream (priorities people!), somethings can't be helped. Like food.

Luckily there are some super cheap meals in boxes (or bags, in my case, out there) like Ramen.

No Cash? No Problem. Caution!


Chicken Ramen is the way to go. It's tasty and cheap. I've seen it as low as 2 cents (that's right, don't adjust your television sets, I said two pennies!) a package at walmart. (Ok, so that may have been five years ago, but still... times haven't changed THAT much.) and I know people who have lived nearly exclusively on it (with a bottle of vitamins).

And if you get tired of chicken, there's always pork or beef too! I think they even have varieties with freeze dried veggies in them now.

Even when I have cash to spare, I think I'll still eat ramen. It's that good.

Mac and cheese is pretty good too. Especially with tuna and peas all mixed up. But at nearly a dollar a box now it's hard to beat the top ramen noodle.

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