Sunday, January 23, 2011

Wishing it was simpler

So many changes...
They are all so little but it's just that extra little bit of stress that seems to cave me in.
I've been absolutely drained for the last three or fours days now and no matter when I go to bed I can't seem to catch up on any rest.
I start teaching riding lessons this next week. I'm super happy to be back in a place where I can work with horses again. The work is so obvious. So plain. There's no drama with horses. They just are. Horses don't lie. It makes life simpler.
Simple is welcome right now since I had to go and make life complicated.
I'm still trying to get my head on straight about all that. It's dragging me down pretty hard core at the moment. I'll try to be less vague in another post... I just can't seem to put what's in my heart or head down on paper yet.
And now I've chosen to be a trainer at work. It's hard. I mean, it's not that hard but it's uncomfortable for sure. I have a hard enough time keeping track of myself in restaurant; let alone someone else too - and doing everything (and I mean everything) up to standards (even the stupid ones).
So here I am just wishing it was all simpler.

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