Sunday, March 20, 2011

Incidentally Falling

I don't know if you just made my life harder or easier.

Do you really think I'm just going to jump your bones anytime I want to hang out with you?

No. I am going to jump yours because for a super nerd, you're pretty hot with a great rack and I am sure I could do things to you that would make your head spin.

When I start thinking about the whole thing my heart starts to pound and my breath becomes shallow. I feel those little flutters start in my stomach.

There is no way I'm falling in love.
I don't know this guy.
He's just someone I work with.
This is just emotions running away with me.
I'm after that rush of being with someone new.
I can't go diving straight into a relationship after leaving one.
This isn't happening.
I definitely can't date someone I work with.
I'm just fantasizing he has a real interest in me.
I'm just a girl jumping to conclusions...

"It is very often nothing but our own vanity that deceives us. Women fancy admiration means more than it does."
- Elizabeth Bennet from Pride and Prejudice

I'm just putting emotions in the situation that both don't belong and are probably just a consequence of my imagination.

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